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My Friend With Autism

Original price was: $22.00.Current price is: $10.00.

By Beverl Bishop

7-9 year olds

32 pages

My friend Zack has a disability called autism. But that doesn’t matter to us. We talk about airplanes, build models, and enjoy hanging out at each other’s house. I’m glad Zack is my friend!

Written for classmates of spectrum students and the classmates’ parents, this kid-friendly book explains in positive ways that children with autism are good at some things, not so good at others – just like everyone else! The narrator (a peer) notes that his friend’s senses work “really well” – he can hear sounds no one else can hear; his eyes work so well bright lights can hurt them. In all cases, the differences are described in a kind, understanding manner. There are charming illustrations for readers to color. “Notes for Adults” offer parents more detailed information about the “kid’s pages.