The Impact of Sensory Issues on Behaviour

Behaviour or sensory? This is a big question! Being able to see the link between behaviour and sensory issues, or whether they are separate, will help us in understanding how to approach the behaviour that we need to tackle and the sensory issue that we need to desensitise the child to.

See Article - The Impact of Sensory Issues on Behaviour

Students and Inappropriate Behaviour

When a student engages in inappropriate behaviour it’s important to understand the purpose of the behaviour. The behaviour needs to be analysed to determine possible personal and environmental challenges contributing to the behaviour.

See Article - Students and Inappropriate Behaviour

How to Use Sensory Tools

Transitions – Moving between one activity and another.
To keep concentration while hearing a story or lining up.
As a reward.
To development of hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
To teach how to take turns.

See Article - How to Use Sensory Tools

Sensory Issues

The nature of ASD.
Why & How to use sensory tools?
Ideas to Try

See Article - Sensory Issues