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I’m Going To School


A workbook for children who are beginning preschool or school. It can be used for new students or students who are moving into the next year of school.

Book review

A workbook for children who are beginning preschool or school.

This book helps them to create a visual guide for preparing for those first steps into a new environment. The children get to take photos and paste them into the book. They can also draw maps and colour in to help them find their way around a new school. Each year the book is updated to include the new calendar for that year. It can be used for new students or students who are moving into the next year of school so they can re-acquaint themselves with their new surroundings.

Author: Anna Tullemans
A4 Book

Do you have a student that is finding it difficult to settle? There could be a number of things that may be happening. One is that they are not processing the changes very well. It would be a great idea for you and the student to go back to their completed book “I’m going to School” and revise all the things that are the same and the things that are different. The student may be finding it hard to settle as they are finding the differences hard to cope with. You may need to point out that there are only a few differences that they need to get used to. Eg New teacher and new room, but some of the same things are the lunch area, the other students, the way they get to school.

Additional information

Weight .170 g
Dimensions 30 × 21 × .4 mm

1 review for I’m Going To School

  1. Rhonda

    Book review – I’m Going to School
    Reviewed by Rhonda Valentine Dixon

    I’m Going to School is a workbook for parents and teachers to complete as children begin pre or primary school. Each page depicts a single topic related to the early days and weeks of the school term.
    Parents and teachers are encouraged to dedicate a single book to an individual student and fill in each page with the child. Youngsters will assimilate more easily when they become familiar with the locations, buildings, uniforms and belongings, rules, routines, and people they’ll encounter in the school day.
    If a student obsesses over one or two issues, those pages alone may be photocopied and individualised for the child.
    Whilst this book was written with the ASD student in mind, it is a valuable resource for all newcomers to pre and primary schools.
    This book is self-published and does not have an ISBN.

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