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Question Words

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Flash card set with many different emotions for kids and some teenagers.

SKU: FC-CARDS-QUESTIONS Category: Tags: , , ,


A set Question Words flash cards for children

Only 11 cm X 8 cm. This Flashcard set is easy for you to carry and teach and play with your child everywhere.
The cards have a real picture to give a direct and clear expression of the word. play games with preschool and school age. These can be used in a funny and exciting game individually or with the whole class.
It is good for teachers, mothers at home, classroom organizations, as decorations in kindergarten and daycare preschool yo provide learning activities.
These English learning cards come with a binder ring so you can sort and organize the cards easily. They are designed with children in mind and are ideal for maintaining interest when using first words flash cards.
These help individuals maintain interest and use visuals to help individuals remember the words.