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Managing Asperger Syndrome at College and University

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $10.00.

This book is full of practical suggestions on how to make the post-16 educational experience a good one.

By Juliet JamiesonClaire Jamieson

Meeting the demands of student life can be tough, especially for students with Asperger Syndrome.

Advice is based upon sound knowledge of theory and practice and This is an important text for students with Asperger Syndrome, their support staff and personal tutors in institutes of Higher Education, student counsellors, parents and Connexions advisors.

Meeting the demands of student life can be tough, especially for students with Asperger Syndrome. This book is full of practical suggestions on how to make the post-16 educational experience a good one. Advice is based upon sound knowledge of theory and practice and includes:

  • taking steps towards selecting the right course at the right institution
  • coping strategies to use in academic and social situations
  • advice to help students who are living away from home
  • a CD containing time-saving resources
  • how other students, tutors and disability services can help
  • useful references and addresses showing where to go next.

This is an important text for students with Asperger Syndrome, their support staff and personal tutors in institutes of Higher Education, student counsellors, parents and Connexions advisors.