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How to STOP your words from Bumping into someone else’s


This book has 18 great A4 clear pages, each with an excellent picture to explain so many of the common challenges students with an ASD face in social and school situations.

This book has 18 great A4 clear pages, each with an excellent picture to explain so many of the common challenges students with an ASD face in social and school situations. Topics include:

  • Getting Someone’s Attention,
  • Starting a Conversation,
  • Interrupting,
  • Asking Someone to Play,
  • What if a Person Say’s “No”?,
  • Asking for Help,
  • How loud or soft your voice should be,
  • Waiting in Line, Waiting on the Mat and
  • Waiting at your Desk.

Social scripts and descriptive stories with illustrations that match the script.

Author: Anna Tullemans & Rhonda Dixon
A4 Book  27 Pages
ISBN: 0 646 44582 0

Additional information

Weight .175 g
Dimensions 30 × 21 × .4 mm


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