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The Ultimate Guide to School and Home


This book provides key strategies for all ages and stages. It offers over 500 practical strategies and time savers for school and home. Everything from setting up a classroom, developing friendships, engaging disengaged students; to moving house, choosing a school and applying for a job.

This book provides key strategies for all ages and stages. It offers over 500 practical strategies and time savers for school and home. Everything from setting up a classroom, developing friendships, engaging disengaged students; to moving house, choosing a school and applying for a job.

It is the ultimate guide for teachers, parents and all professionals supporting children with autism spectrum disorder, including Aspergers, ADD, ADHD, ODD and other developmental delays.

Authors: Anna Tullemans and Sue Larkey

Additional information

Weight 425 g
Dimensions 300 × 210 × 8 mm


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