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Supportive Parenting

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $5.00.

Becoming an Advocate for Your Child with Special Needs 1st Edition

When Jan Campito first entered the world of special needs, she trusted the experts to tell her what was wrong, and how to proceed to help her children. Here she was, an articulate, well-educated person, usually confident in navigating whatever situations were required, and yet she became passive and trusting when it came to assuming people would tell her what was wrong with her children’s development and what to do to help them. As she realized more and more that no one else was stepping into the lead position to obtain appropriate help for her children, she realized that she needed to take on that responsibility.

Since then, she has learnt to take an active role in advocating for her children, and helping meet their needs. From procuring evaluations, to understanding what the diagnoses mean, to selecting therapies and therapists, to following through on therapies at home and targeting needs to be addressed, to helping formulate IEPs, and to monitoring and intervening in their school settings, she has become a comprehensive advocate for her children with special needs, and in this book Jan shares with other parents some of her experiences and some of what she has learnt in the process.


Supportive Parenting is a wonderfully comprehensive and down-to-earth, practical resource that will help parents to traverse the rocky ASD `terrain’. Jan Campito is to be commended for writing an even-handed and very helpful book.