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Specialist Support Approaches to ASD Students in Mainstream Settings

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $5.00.

Specialist Support Approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorder Students in Mainstream Settings Paperback – 2005

This practical guide identifies the meaning of different behaviours exhibited by students with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), and suggests strategies for helping them achieve independence in mainstream schools. The author examines difficulties pupils with ASD have in particular subjects, and discusses the importance of familiarization, physical positioning, visual timetables, work materials, and friendship skills. She also outlines a range of time effective methods that enable teachers to promote inclusion and improve communication in the classroom.
This is a useful resource for those working to integrate ASD students among their peers and encourage greater independence.

Sally Hewitt is a specialist support assistant of pupils with ASDs, as well as a full-time writer. Her book Including Pupils with Autism at Break and Lunchtimes was published in 2003.